Blog Posts

March Mad-Ness

"Cheryl Leutjen Writes"

I know “March Madness” refers to college basketball, but I’ve decided to co-opt the term. It’s high time, in my own opinion,  we had a month to honor our own various forms of madness, be it fury at the political scene or a pathological inability to pass up a cheese plate. 

And it seems like there’s more and

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Gift Card Grumble 2023

Have I mentioned how much I despise plastic gift cards? The mere sight of the rack full of them at the grocery store sends me into such a rage that I plan my route through the aisles to avoid them. It’s a basic courtesy I extend to my fellow shoppers. No one wants a madwoman foaming at the mouth in the food-buying place. Perhaps that sounds like

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Thankful for Life

"Cheryl Leutjen Writes"

The Thanksgiving holiday inspires me to remember all I’m grateful for—as it does for a lot of us. I tend to go overboard, making a monumental list as if I’d be jinxing some good thing if I left it off. It’s my personal kick-off to the holiday madness, I suppose. This year, I’m vowing to keep it simple, get a

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Falling into Fall

"Cheryl Leutjen Writes"

I finally got around to turning the page on the month calendar, and, though I’ve been drinking Pumpkin Spice Lattes for a solid month (there’s some fodder for the haters), I’m still shocked to see OCTOBER at the top of the page. It’s been consistently showing up after September for all my several decades now, so why

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  © Cheryl Leutjen