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4 comments On Let’s Connect
Hi, I’m Peyman, a citizen of the Islamic Republic of Iran, I and my colleague want to connect with you about your book if it is possible for us to translate your book in our country. as you know we need to more book and journals in environmental awareness.
if it’s possible please let us know. thanks
Hello, Peyman,
I’m glad to chat with you about environmental awareness. My publisher actively sells rights to foreign translations. If you can suggest any local publishers that Mango Publishing could contact, we would be very grateful!
Greetings! My name is Laura Peterson and I am the Executive Director for the Living Earth Center based in Mankato MN. We are a very small non-profit that seeks a sustainable future for all through collaboration, advocacy and education across all cultures and spiritual traditions. This year we are hosting our 13th annual Earth Conference focusing on the topic: Nature is Speaking, Are You Listening? We want draw attention to the ways in which Nature is speaking to us to tell us that the ways in which we we are living are not sustainable. But also, we would like invite people to begin really listening. Cheryl’s book is a PERFECT example of doing just this. We hope that by inviting the audience to make small changes in their lives, we can create systemic change around us socially, politically and environmentally. I am writing for two reasons. 1) I wanted to see what Cheryl’s rates are for speaking to audiences and 2) We are thinking about purchasing a book for every audience member (around 120 people). I am wondering with a bulk purchase if we would be able to get a discounted rate for the book. I believe that Cheryl’s message is an important one and that our local and Greater Earth Community can benefit from having some of these ideas planted… who knows how it can take off! We are just getting our non-profit status and do not have a website. But I invite you to see our Facebook page @livingearthcentermn. Thank you for you time and your message! In growing- Laura Peterson, Director, Living Earth Center.
Oh, Cheryl, your two websites are fabulous! I hadn’t visited this one cherylleutjen.com for a couple years, now, and I love what you’ve done with it–especially the message coming through your heart, so well-conveyed both in your book and your website. You are an inspiration to this earth lover, and to this web guy, as well.