
Want to Save the Planet? “Embrace the Small” on “Undistracted,” Hope 103.2 in Sydney, Australia

May 30, 2024

CNBC’s Make It: “Practical changes you can make to help the planet: ‘Start with the thing that makes you the maddest’”

April 22, 2024

Read more here.

Interview with “Every Day is Earth Day” podcast, KMSU 89.7 FM

April 24, 2024

Interview with @RadioHannah on Talk Radio Europe

April 8, 2024

@HannahRadio interviews Cheryl Leutjen, author of Love Earth Now, about discovering what each of us can do to make a real difference and demonstrate our love for Earth.

Cheryl Leutjen Featured on the “Well Seasoned Librarian” Podcast

June 12, 2023

“Cheryl Leutjen’s deep love of Earth, as well as her hope for a bright future for her children, fuel her passion for responding to the challenges of our time with heart, hope, humor, and spiritual practice….”

Hosted by Dean Jones (Season 11, Episode 1)

Listen on Spotify, Apple , Stitcher and more.


“The Magic of Nature + Earth During the Pandemic:” Mango Publishing Author Panel

April 21, 2021

With special guests Dr. KacYoung + Cheryl Leutjen, facilitated by Sherry Richert Belul. This panel focused on The Magic of Nature + Earth and what it actually means to be a faery and eco-friendly advocate.

“Going Live for Lemurs:” Livestream Recording

April 18, 2021

“Cheryl Leutjen, author of Love Earth Now, chats with Sibylle Westbrook, author of A Lemur called Brigitte about her experiences with the lemurs of Madagascar, especially the captivating lemur who inspired her book. The authors also chat about habitat loss, the intersection between humanitarian aid and conservation, as well as discovering our personal calls to action for Life on Earth.

“When Green Living Gets Exhausting:” The Sustainable Minimalists Podcast

December 29, 2020


“Eco-Mindfulness for Difficult Times:” Author | Expert Wire Podcast with Annie Jennings

May 7, 2020

“Meeting the Authors:” Love Earth Now by Cheryl Leutjen

March 24, 2020

Today we travel to Los Angeles to chat with Cheryl Leutjen about how being an environmental law attorney, writing in nature, trees, blogging, throwing darts, composting, conversations inspired by a dead bush, and a train ride come together as part of Cheryl’s past and current life.

The Big Melt Podcast – Episode 4: “On the Grill” (The Climate Crisis)

March 20, 2020

“It’s easy to see why some people just ignore the climate crisis. Actively engaging with it all the time is really – really hard. You can end up feeling like you’re doing something wrong just by being a person.

So, today, instead of curling up into a little ball and vowing to only eat twigs we figure out how to approach eating responsibly, learn the merits of munching insects, give ourselves a bit of a cosmic hug with Cheryl and bust our climate myth of the week: “Plants and animals can adapt to climate change”. “

Interview on the “Art of Attention” Podcast with Daron Larson

December 17, 2019

“Cheryl Leutjen cares deeply about the future of our planet. But like the rest of us, she often feels overwhelmed by the scope of our environmental challenges and a sense of powerless in the face of so much uncertainty. In her book, Love Earth Now: The Power of Doing One Thing Every Day, she uses humor and candor to inspire others to steer toward personal engagement and sustainable hope.

In this conversation, Cheryl shares some of the ways she’s found to approach the challenges of “eco-madness” more mindfully — not to prescribe how others should respond, but to invite each of us to find immediately doable ways to contribute to the sustainable well-being of the earth for future generations.”

Listen on Soundcloud and Spotify (Episode 5).

“Getting to Know Cheryl Leutjen: On Spirituality & Health” by Julie Peters

November 12, 2019

S&H Staff Writer Julie Peters and author Cheryl Leutjen explore ways to connect with and honor the natural environment while managing the stress of living in what sometimes feels like environmental apocalypse.

No matter many pounds of CO2 that were spewed into the atmosphere on my behalf yesterday, Earth still sends flowers and butterflies and hummingbirds to my yard. That kind of love breaks open my heart again and again and again.

Read more

“Out of the Box” Podcast with host Rosie Tran

December 17, 2019

Comedian Rosie Tran (@FunnyRosie) interviews environmentalist and author of “Love Earth Now” Cheryl Leutjen (@LoveEarthNow). Cheryl is a former attorney turned writer and environmentalist. Cheryl discussed the greatest issue of our modern World: Global Warming. Her book offers practical tips and stories about how we can live a more Earth and nature-centered life. We all must take steps on a daily basis to help solve the major environmental issues of our day.”

“What are You Reading?” with the Well-Seasoned Librarian

May 8, 2019

BookMarketingBuzzBlog: Interview with Author Cheryl Leutjen

February 3, 2018

Interviewer Brian Feinblum and author Cheryl Leutjen discuss her book, “Love Earth Now,” which encourages each readers along their environmental journey, beginning right where they are.

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