“10 Of The Best Environmental Books To Read” on The Environmentor
Have you ever awoken in the morning and wondered what you can do for the planet today? Love Earth Now: The Power of Doing One Thing Every Day is like a self-help book for being conscious of your environmental impact and taking positive steps toward being “eco-mindful.”
Ethico Bookshelf: “March Reads”
March 1, 2020
“12 of the Best Books on Climate Change Solutions” on Book Riot
July 29, 2019
When you’re feeling helpless and starting to despair, read this book. You’re not powerless. Taking action in the name of the planet, however small that action may be, is good for your Earth, for you, and for the people you love. Like Kalmus, Leutjen will walk you through an every person’s effort to make a real change.
“One Day at a Time, Let’s Love Earth Now” Review
June 13, 2019

I really enjoyed reading Love Earth Now, and I will be going back for the love invitations because I had to stop at one invitation that managed to quiet my mind. We need authors like Cheryl who is truthful in her experiences and uses them to help others who are on the same path of saving the environment.
Krystle Mitchell
7 Tips for Coping & Thriving as Eco-Conscious Human Beings on Elephant Journal
September 14, 2018
Offering up a series of “roadmaps” and “Love Earth Invitations” at the end of each chapter, Love Earth Now encourages us to discover our own path to living more “Earth-conscientiously” and realize that we do, in fact, have the time, talents, and resources to care for our planet (as hopeless as that prospect may seem at times).
Tehla Jane Bower
“Living Eco-Mindfully” by Mother Earth News
February 2018

Author Cheryl Leutjen’s book is a deeply thoughtful, often neurotic, and sometimes comedic exploration of her own efforts to make an eco-contribution. Through personal observation, that she records in stunningly beautiful prose, Leutjen’s ode to our planet is one of the most distinctive ecological books to come along in a generation.
New Book Gives Spiritual View on how to “Love Earth Now” by Hawaii in Real Life
February 19, 2018
Leutjen does speak about practical matters like good reasons to start a compost pile, citing a disturbing piece of research that drives home the point to readers: Los Angeles collects on average more than six tons per day of refuse, recyclables, and yard waste. She makes you think about that number, multiplied by all the cities across the world.
…What she mostly does, though, is reframe life from a very spiritual perspective, making the reader appreciate simple things like the usefulness of pigeons, the beauty of compassion, and even the sacredness of the usually-unappreciated ant.