Blog Posts


Opening the mailbox on my birthday, I am pleased to find my latest Mighty Fix. I never thought I’d be so excited about getting a cleaning product in the mail. It’s the surprise of this monthly subscription that makes it fun, never knowing exactly what

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Good to the last . . .

In another installment in my ever-so-scintillating #useitup campaign, I summoned the will to dig out the last serving from the old peanut butter jar today. Please, hold your applause.

This jar has been languishing for months, with just

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One of the singular joys of getting older (or not) is the sudden accumulation of cheery white-hatted, amber-orange pill bottles. What used to make a rare appearance, one bottle here or there, after a dental surgery, say, now piles up like candy wrappers on Halloween night.

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Doing some website cleanup work today, I stumbled across the essay below which I wrote last year. Though the calendar says today is April 27, my musings about starting a new year seem apropos. Because all of those “resolutions, intentions and

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  © Cheryl Leutjen