I’ve been thinking of this 1976 movie, Network, for a while. I even referenced the most famous quote in my new book because it summed up my own fury and frustration, the feelings that led me to write said
…Blog Posts
If My Oven Could Curse . . .
If an oven could curse, I am convinced this image conveys what it would say. Here is a thing that not even I, She Who Speaks with Spitting Squirrels, ever expected to write, but here we are:
…Dear readers of MADNESS on the Brink of Eco-Apocalypse:
Here’s a late-breaking update I know you’ve been on the edge of your seats to learn. You know that “Grandma’s brownie recipe” in Chapter 9? The one I so lovingly shared because it reminded me of
…I am not okay. I am not just talking about my unnatural affection for my compost bin. I am stumbling in a dense fog, wondering where the hell I left my navigation system,
…Why does everything break at the same time?
Today, it’s the kitchen faucet. The so-called “smart” faucet that turns on automatically whenever it senses nearby movement. Only it’s not so smart now, staring at me blankly, as I wave my hands like the frantic lunatic I surely