
Stabbing at the hardpan soil like the madwoman I surely am, tears stream down my cheeks as I endure another episode of “what-am-I-doing-with-my-life”

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Meet The Author.

What does your ideal writing space look like?

My laptop currently rests on an Army-green picnic table covered in graffiti, some faded and some so recent I had to check for wet paint before sitting. Surrounded by towering trees, the table perches

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Happy Sauntering!

The Fine Art of Sauntering.

Today is World Sauntering Day, a fact I discovered quite by serendipity. I woke up with that panicked realization that today is Wednesday, nearly halfway through the week and I’ve accomplished exactly zero of my ambitious goals for the week. Though I’ve been cutting back on caffeine (much

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  © Cheryl Leutjen