Blog Posts

TRUST: Halloween Edition

I’m old enough to remember (yes, kids, it is one of those stories) many Halloweens when a grandmotherly neighbor handed out homemade popcorn balls to the trick-or-treaters fortunate enough to land on her doorstep. If you were smart, you showed up early, just as the

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Top Ten

Overhead Light Fixture with Many Bulbs

Today, I offer you….a more DIY sort of Top Ten list for eco-friendlier living.

I know. I should’ve warned you to sit down or brace yourself. Because I’ve pontificated long and often about my disdain for “Top Ten to

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Image of bodhisattva meditating


Sa-Ta-Na-Ma-Sa-Ta-Na…..I JUST REMEMBERED! I have laundry in the dryer…

Ma-Sa-Ta…should I go get it?

Na-Ma-Sa-Ta-Nah…I should finish this first, I’m already HERE

Ma-Sa-Ta-Na-Ma….if it’s wrinkled, it’s already wrinkled

Sa-Ta-Na-Ma…but now I can’t stop thinking

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Bleary-eyed, I’m shuffling off to the kitchen, the belt of my fluffy gray bathrobe dragging on the ground behind me. I shudder to think of all the dust it’s collecting, but I lack the energy to tie

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  © Cheryl Leutjen