Toasted Intentions.

bread crust with heart shape cut from middle

After a week of travels, blissful sloth, and eating whatever we found along the road, I woke up this morning determined to Do Better. Be a light in this troubled world! I recommitted to honoring all my Good Intentions. I vowed to stop overlooking the many eco-travesties I commit in the

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A woman was ranting out in the middle of my street this morning

You may be surprised to learn that it was not me.

I sure was.

I spotted her at the bottom of our hill, waving her arms and hollering, as soon as I began

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Blurred image of a plastic prescription bottle.

Welcome to a very special edition of my Eco-Insanity Log. It contains a rarity: an update to a prior post! I don’t think I’ve ever written an update before . . . I just don’t have that

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  © Cheryl Leutjen