Episode 2: Preserving Food to Reduce Waste

What can we do in our kitchens to reduce the amount of food we waste?

In this episode, we share ideas about ways to preserve the food we bring into our kitchens…and save it from the landfill.

Do you can, pickle, dehydrate, cure to preserve food? Let us know:

Find us on Facebook or Instagram or Email us

Your Hosts:

Cheryl Leutjen, freelance writer, speaker and author of Love Earth Now, https://cherylleutjen.com/

Christy Bell, founder of Spoil Me Fresh, http://www.spoilmefresh.net/

Earthy Kitchen Chats logo by Chloe Meyer She’s #openToWork

Want more ideas? Check out these resources:

Home Canning Guide: Learn to Can Food, Mother Earth News

How to Pickle Anything (No Canning Necessary), Eating Well

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  © Cheryl Leutjen