Cancer Log: The Elusive Last One.

Lying in bed, I’m making my mental packing list for the journey of this day. I’m not going far and yet the “trip” will be arduous. Which is why this particular packing list is so critical. . . I need my creature comforts to get me

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Cancer Log: Halfway to Hell

Sign reads "Caution: narrow trail ahead"

“How many treatments have you done now?”

“3 out of 6”

“Hooray, you’re halfway through!”

I bite my lip nearly clean through.

Again, well-meaning. Again, sets me enraged. What is wrong with me?

Yes, it’s halfway in terms of time, number of

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Cancer Log: Hair Grows Back.

Text: “The good news is that your hair will grow back!”

Response A: Omigosh, I did not know that! Thanks for educating me!

Response B: That changes how I feel about chemo! I’ll just turn this frown

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  © Cheryl Leutjen