I can hardly believe this latest child of my heart is about to be born. Like my first babe in utero, I’ve grown accustomed to sharing life with my developing offspring in a private world, known only to the two of us. As much I longed to hold my firstborn in the flesh—the long months of waiting seemed to go on forever—an unexpected sadness washed over me in the last couple of weeks before the due date. “Never again will
…Author: Cheryl
Have I mentioned how much I despise gift cards? The mere sight of the rack full of them at the grocery store sends me into such a rage that I have to plan my route through the store to avoid them. All the resources that go into making that plastic card wasted after a single swipe—if it ever gets swiped at all—infuriates me as much as the effing phone book.
According to GiftRocket.com, NINE THOUSAND TONS of plastic go
I’m sitting in my office with lovely old Atlas Cedar standing outside the window, in steadfast loyalty, my heart is full of gratitude. For the family with whom I share the Thanksgiving meal—all of this life. For the great bird and all the plants that gave of themselves
Serenely going about my cooking business last night when husband piped up to alert me about the latest travesty. “Get this, they plan to lift the ban on importing elephant ‘trophies,’ ” he said. I confess that I
We have president-elect who thinks climate change is a non-existent hoax?
A ardent climate-change skeptic to oversee the EPA transition?
I can’t even.
I now have a burning desire to go out and turn that overloaded, stinking compost bin. More than willing to sacrifice more fingernails.
And I’m betting that recent cursing record will not