September News: Binge-ing on JOY ❤🌍

I’m sensing a different vibe in the air these days, are you? A few years back, after a certain election, I found myself engaged in doom scrolling. I devoted hours to trolling the socials in search of “what awful thing has happened now?” I’ve done my best to wean myself from that destructive habit, but still, there are times . . . 

What a relief to find myself now “joy scrolling,” seeking out and delighting in expressions of hope for the future. I don’t know about your social media feed, but I’ve been doubling down on Threads where such positive expressions abound. What a gift. I feel like I’ve lost ten pounds of angst. I’m seeing so much more positivity that I’m wondering if anybody will want to read a book about being MAD. HA! I’m well aware that our many crises have not evaporated just because there’s a new presidential candidate.

New Book News: Speaking of MAD, I’ve been entombed so deeply into my writing cave that I haven’t shared a single update on the object of my obsession in a while. Perhaps I hear you sigh in relief, and that’s okay. I understand that my obsession isn’t necessarily yours. I’m trying to keep in mind all our overtaxed attention spans when I want to blather on about how close the book is to completion, how I appreciate all the beta readers who are supporting me, and how excited I am to birth this baby. If you’ve ever been 9+ months pregnant…you know. 

What’s YOUR obsession? It seems only fair that I ask about yours, since you tolerate me jabbering about mine. Let me know.  EmailFacebook or Instagram.
Stay hopeful, friends!                ❤️🌎

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