Dear Readers: Errata Alert

Dear readers of MADNESS on the Brink of Eco-Apocalypse:

Here’s a late-breaking update I know you’ve been on the edge of your seats to learn. You know that “Grandma’s brownie recipe” in Chapter 9? The one I so lovingly shared because it reminded me of being warm, safe and loved in Grandma’s kitchen?

I don’t know how I missed this in all the time I reviewed it for the book. I was just showing the recipe card to my daughter when I noticed, for the first time, the hand scrawled note in the corner. “From Katherine Hepburn.”

For clarification, my Grandmother’s name was not Katherine Hepburn. I did a search and discovered that the Ladies Home Journal featured Katherine Hepburn’s recipe for brownies in 1975. When I was fourteen years old. So much for a family heirloom!

Maybe it wasn’t Katherine Hepburn’s brownies that my grandmother served up in her kitchen, but I always got a healthy helping of warmth and love there.

That’s still what I’m craving in this current climate of vilifying, attacking and blaming everyone not in the immediate tribe.

And it’s still a good recipe for cooking up therapy—plus Katherine Hepburn was a grandmother—so I’ll leave the chapter as is. STET.

But you’ll be the wiser.

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