The news of ever-more devastating wildfires has been weighing on me like the neighbor’s St. Bernard who used to tackle the forty-pound kid I once was. One enormous paw would topple me, then land on my puny chest, as I gasped for air. And consciousness.
The latest fires are nowhere near my home nor the college campuses where my children live now. The friends who were evacuated all returned to intact dwellings. Nor have the utility shutdowns affected any of us directly. So I am at a loss to understand why this round of infernos has me feeling so morose.
It’s a bit like Survivor’s Guilt, I suppose. Why is my house still standing, with my wall of family photo albums and my toddler-crafted Mother’s Day gifts, when so many have lost everything? I give sobbing, weeping thanks that it does. Every single day.
I recently read something that I wrote—something I haven’t seen since the day Love Earth Now was published (or possibly last week, depending on my declining memory). It contained just the pearl of wisdom I needed to get up off the floor. A reminder to do what I can do because this precious moment in time is where my soul has called for me to be.
So I decided to give to those who beat back the blazes with a grit and courage I’ll never know. With two kids in college, I don’t have a lot of discretionary funds, but I have books to sell.
For every Love Earth Now sold thru this affiliate link* in November, the month of #gratitude, I’ll donate 20% of proceeds to the Wildland Firefighter Foundation. This foundation was recommended by my sage counsel, Tara Matthews, the wife of a long-serving wildland firefighter, as the best way to support injured firefighters and the families of the fallen.
Consider Love Earth Now as you make your holiday shopping list. I thank you in advance for every purchase, as I give thanks for the firefighters, first responders, and all on the front lines of responding to ever more dangerous disasters. We need each other more than ever. Blessings of Compassion, Courage, and Grace, Earth family.
*“As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.”
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