My daughter, my youngest, graduates high school in 23 days. Not that I’m counting (ha!). The swirl of emotions I feel nearly knocks me down on an hourly basis. That probably explains how I came spilling down the spiral staircase last week. I’m bruised (and ego-bruised), but otherwise okay. Just steer clear if you see me tripping by you in the near future.
I’m proud of my daughter’s achievement and eager to celebrate with her. She’s really pushed herself, academically and creatively. And I’m also heartbroken to realize this era of “children underfoot” is coming to a close. Who will I be without kids in my home?
Just as I am about to drown in despair, along comes some good news, for which I do give thanks. Love Earth Now has won a silver Nautilus Book Award!* Coincidentally, my writing coach, Dr. Davina Kotulski—the person who facilitated the writing workshop that inspired my book—won the very same award for her book, It’s Never Too Late to Be Yourself. Who’d a thunk it?
Six years ago, I could not have imagined myself a published author. The opportunity to celebrate this award with the mentor who inspired this journey is an over-the-moon joy.
This time of year brings lots of reasons to celebrate: parenthood, graduations, weddings, and no more snow for a while. If you’re celebrating something, I raise my glass with you. Kinda feels like we could all use something to celebrate right about now, doesn’t it?
*Nautilus Book Awards recognize outstanding books that promote conscious living & green values, spiritual growth, wellness & vitality, and positive social change.