Why aren’t we doing more to save ourselves??
“There’s so much to be mad about these days, and, despite my propensity to rant, I repress the worst of my anger, stockpiling it in a smoldering tinder box that requires half of my dwindling energy just to contain. I’m a deeply spiritual, New Age type person, well-schooled in the Law of Attraction which schools us to amplify our positive thoughts because like attracts like. If I want more hope, more happiness, more joy in my life, then I must project more hope! More happiness! More joy! Because we get more of what we think about most. . .
I’ve battled so long and so hard to stay aboard that power-of-positive-thinking train that I can’t speak the words “I’m angry” aloud without looking for the lightning bolts. Ridiculous. So, as of today, with YOU as my witness…I am giving myself permission purge the negativity like a scene from The Exorcist, to rant like I’ve never ranted before.
Forget the years of training in Midwest Nice. Say it all without consideration of the karmic blowback—even to the point of revealing my cringiest confession: I’m mad at God. I feel we’ve been set up to fail. Which makes me even madder. . . “
Praise for “MADNESS” :
“We’ve already hit the iceberg … Leutjen dares us to be awake and alert as we face this disaster, to understand our part in our global demise. Not for the faint of heart.”
– Davina Kotulski, Ph.D.