July News: Contemplating the Rage Room ❤🌍

Hey, how are you holding up? I feel like I’ve been on a mad, mad roller coaster ride, slingshotting from abject despair to daring to hope to smashing pizza boxes on the recycle bin. Repeatedly. I’m seriously considering a trip to a Rage Room, where they give you stuff to smash. I always thought that sounded wasteful until, well, a few Supreme Court decisions dropped. Now it sounds like a gift from God. I get to vent my rage and someone else cleans up the mess? I am IN.

New Book News: Whereas Love Earth Now is about discovering our personal calls to action—and making peace with the stuff we cannot control—the new book is where I rant about the pitiful, shitty choices we’ve been given. Yes, I still believe it’s important to heed the stirrings of our hearts and souls. And it’s also powerful to come together in community. We are stronger together.

For everyone who has said, “I want to do something, but I don’t know what,” listen up. I’ll be featuring some community-based groups and nonprofits that are Doing the Work (for climate, for creatures, for community). Why reinvent the wheel when someone else has already laid the groundwork? We have enough to do just figuring out who’s running for President.

Researching the many, many groups doing Good Things has made me realize just how, again, media focuses our attention on the negative. Meanwhile, countless nonprofits, community compadres, and cul-de-sac changemakers are taking concerted, inspired action. My friend Reni in West Virginia says that Republicans and Democrats alike stand side-by-side to protest the pipeline being ramrodded through their backyards. Because it’s PERSONAL, not political. More of that, please. 

Will you help? If you have a community-based organization or nonprofit that you think would be a good example, let me know. I’ll be featuring one in each e.letter, to keep fueling us with HOPE and the vast realm of possibilities when we link arms. 

Have you ever visited a rage room? Does it sound like a therapeutic experience or a waste of resources? I am of both minds, myself, Gemini that I am. Let me know.  

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Stay hopeful, friends! 


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