Earth Canvas-3When was the last time you played in Nature? We Americans spend nearly 90% of our time indoors, walling ourselves off from our own larger Web of Life, our community of trees, squirrels, birds, stones, flowers and even the Sun. How much of our serenity and well-being has been given up simply by closing ourselves off from the natural world? How differently might we live if we were not so disconnected?

Although we may not always think of a pile of leaves or a fallen feather as a gift, Nature gives of herself abundantly when we open our eyes and hearts to receive and appreciate. Let’s get creative with her gifts and to create an “Earth Canvas.” The process of creating it just might reconnect you with your true abundant nature and remind you of your sacred place in Nature.

email me for the date and location of the next Earth Canvas playshop.

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  © Cheryl Leutjen