
Doing some website cleanup work today, I stumbled across the essay below which I wrote last year. Though the calendar says today is April 27, my musings about starting a new year seem apropos. Because all of those “resolutions, intentions and wild

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Use-It-Up Campaign

The peas in this half-empty bag, left by a former roommate, were pretty shriveled when I sawzall-ed it out of the encrusted freezer. I confess I was tempted to toss them straight in the compost bin. Easy peasy (pun intended).

But then I

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Meet The Author.

What does your ideal writing space look like?

My laptop currently rests on an Army-green picnic table covered in graffiti, some faded and some so recent I had to check for wet paint before sitting. Surrounded by towering trees, the table perches

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Box of Toilet Paper from Who Gives A Crap

I suddenly feel like one of the wealthiest people in the world. I’m sitting, literally and figuratively, on a case of 48 rolls of toilet paper. Never thought I’d be so excited about toilet paper—even though I have been

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  © Cheryl Leutjen